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£80k after tax is £56,958

On a salary of £80k, in 2024/25 you'll take home £56,958, which is 71% of your salary. Thats £4,746 per month, or £1,095 per week.

That's £19,432 of Income Tax and £3,610 of National Insurance Contributions (NICs).

See below for a full breakdown of the tax you will pay. Add more information such as your workplace pension and student loan repayments for a more detailed picture of your finances.

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Your Income

£per year (pre-tax)
£per year (pre-tax)
Income from Bonuses, Commission, Overtime, Capital Gains, Investments, etc.
Your Contributions
Employer's Contributions
Try adjusting your contributions to see how it affects everything.
Tax Residency
State Pension Age
68 (Everyone aged 46 and under)
To get an accurate state pension age, use the calculator
Plan 1
Outstanding Balance

Your taxes (2024/25)

Various assumptions apply
The primary assumptions are that you are a FTE and that standard tax rates for 2024/25 apply to you. For fewer limitations, try Saving Tool Advanced.
Gross Income£28,500£2,375£548
Pension Contributions£0£0£0
Employer Pension Contributions£0£0£0
Taxable Income£28,500£2,375£548
Personal allowance£12,570--
National Insurance£1,273£106£24
Income Tax£3,186£266£61
Take Home Pay£24,041£2,003£462
HMRC Tax rates and rules last updated 15/09/2024

Your Monthly Expenses

Essential outgoings

Things you have to pay for

Non-essential outgoings

Things you choose to pay for

Your Monthly Outgoings

Your Plan

The earliest you can retire with your workplace pension is usually 55. You won't get your state pension until your mid or late 60s, depending on your current age. Tip: try playing around with your target retirement age to see how things change.
The total balance of all your existing pension pots.
The total balance of any existing ISA Savings accounts (GIAs are not currently supported)

Projected Pension

Wealth & Financial Independence More Info

Financial independence means having enough saved that your expenses will be covered for the rest of your life.

Projected Wealth

  • FI Target = Annual outgoings (£17,472) * Years needed for 4.00% SWR (25.00) = £436,800
  • Invested annual pension = £0
  • Invested annual surplus = £2,201
  • Inflation of 2.5% / year
  • Assumes New State Pension, payments increasing with inflation (2.5% / year)
  • Assumes student loans last 30 years max
  • Assumes a flex-drawdown pension for illustration purposes
  • Assumes you draw down pension up to the higher rate bracket (£50,270), then draw down your S&S ISA
  • Pension lump sums are not included